

李珮如 副教授

學歷 美國匹茲堡大學 資訊科學 博士
現職 中正大學資訊管理系 副教授
研究領域 大數據資訊融合與分析、資料探勘與文字探勘、資料庫管理、UI/UX
辦公室 中正大學 管理學院 R620
連絡電話 03-2720311 #34622
電子郵件 pjlee@mis.ccu.edu.tw


年度 著作名稱
2022 Automated risk assessment of newly detected atrial fibrillation poststroke from electronic health record data using machine learning and natural language processing
Mining relations between personality traits and learning styles
2021 運用資料探勘技術預測分析持續互動性高之粉絲團:以臉書醫療健康粉絲團為例
2020 Constructing Inpatient Pressure Injury Prediction Models Using Machine Learning Techniques
A Natural Language Processing Approach to Automated Highlighting of New Information in Clinical Notes
Medication Use and the Risk of Newly Diagnosed Diabetes in Patients with Epilepsy
2019 Immune Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Determining the Optimal Sequence of Multiple Disinfection Operations
2018 Attention allocation for human multi-robot control: Cognitive analysis based on behavior data and hidden states
Prediction of Preoperative Blood Preparation for Orthopedic Surgery Patients: A Supervised Learning Approach
Assessing the helpfulness of online hotel reviews: A classification-based approach
2017 The Effect of User Controllable Filters on the Prediction of Online Hotel Reviews
An Artificial Intelligent Approach to The Bicycle Repositioning Problems
Inconsistency Detection and Data Fusion in USAR Task
2016 Active Inconsistency Detection in Data Integration
An Approximated Linear Programming Approach for Media Resource Allocation Problem
2015 Cryptanalysis of Ahirwal-Sonwanshi Id-Based Remote User Authentication Scheme
A novel encoding scheme based evolutionary approach for the bi-objective grid patrol routing problem with multiple vehicles
2014 Improvement of the ElGamal Based Remote Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards
Security Enhancement of User Authentication Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
On the Security of the Discrete Logarithm Based Remote Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards
2012 Cryptanalysis and Improvement of the Robust User Authentication Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
2011 An Initial Evaluation of Approaches to Building Entry for Large Robot Teams
Improvement on the Password Authenticated Three-Party Key Agreement Protocol


年度 著作名稱
2019 A medical decision support system using text mining to compare electronic medical records
2018 Cyberbullying Detection on Social Network Services
2017 Subject-relevant Document Recommendation: A Reference Topic-Based Approach
Investigating the Impact of Review Visibility on Review Helpfulness
2016 Information Fusion Approach Using Characteristic Linear Systems in Multi-Robot Search and Rescue Task
Hotel Recommendation System Based on Review and Context Information: A Collaborative Filtering Approach
2015 Collaborative Information Sensemaking for Multi-Robot Search and Rescue
2011 Cumulative vs. Local Models of Operator Utilization describing an Air Traffic Control Task
Workload Modeling using Time Windows and Utilization in an Air Traffic Control Task
Scalable Target Detection for Large Robot Teams
2010 Teams for teams performance in multi-human/multi-robot teams
2009 An initial evaluation of approaches to building entry for large robot teams.