年度 |
著作名稱 |
2022 |
Automated risk assessment of newly detected atrial fibrillation poststroke from electronic health record data using machine learning and natural language processing |
Mining relations between personality traits and learning styles |
2021 |
運用資料探勘技術預測分析持續互動性高之粉絲團:以臉書醫療健康粉絲團為例 |
2020 |
Constructing Inpatient Pressure Injury Prediction Models Using Machine Learning Techniques |
A Natural Language Processing Approach to Automated Highlighting of New Information in Clinical Notes |
Medication Use and the Risk of Newly Diagnosed Diabetes in Patients with Epilepsy |
2019 |
Immune Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Determining the Optimal Sequence of Multiple Disinfection Operations |
2018 |
Attention allocation for human multi-robot control: Cognitive analysis based on behavior data and hidden states |
Prediction of Preoperative Blood Preparation for Orthopedic Surgery Patients: A Supervised Learning Approach |
Assessing the helpfulness of online hotel reviews: A classification-based approach |
2017 |
The Effect of User Controllable Filters on the Prediction of Online Hotel Reviews |
An Artificial Intelligent Approach to The Bicycle Repositioning Problems |
Inconsistency Detection and Data Fusion in USAR Task |
2016 |
Active Inconsistency Detection in Data Integration |
An Approximated Linear Programming Approach for Media Resource Allocation Problem |
2015 |
Cryptanalysis of Ahirwal-Sonwanshi Id-Based Remote User Authentication Scheme |
A novel encoding scheme based evolutionary approach for the bi-objective grid patrol routing problem with multiple vehicles |
2014 |
Improvement of the ElGamal Based Remote Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards |
Security Enhancement of User Authentication Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks |
On the Security of the Discrete Logarithm Based Remote Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards |
2012 |
Cryptanalysis and Improvement of the Robust User Authentication Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks |
2011 |
An Initial Evaluation of Approaches to Building Entry for Large Robot Teams |
Improvement on the Password Authenticated Three-Party Key Agreement Protocol |